Andrew J. DiMeo, Sr., Ph.D.
founder and CEO, CanvasGT
About the Author:
Andrew J. DiMeo, Sr., Ph.D. is a lifelong learner in the art of innovation, design, and entrepreneurship. He is founder and CEO at CanvasGT, a software company with a multisite collaboration design and productivity solution. He serves as innovation and design coach for industrial design firm Trig. He is a consultant for BiocomX where he is a business advisor for the NIH C3i Program and team lead for the NIH RADx Initiative. DiMeo also teaches a course in social innovation and entrepreneurship at the NC State College of Humanities and Social Sciences. His design background started in the New York City Motion Picture Industry before transitioning to 20+ years in medical devices. For 12 years, DiMeo taught design at UNC & NC State Biomedical Engineering. His students’ coursework led to multiple startups including 410-Medical, Contour Surgical, Augment Medical, Novocor Medical Systems, and the Medical Innovators Collaborative (MEDIC). Notable previous experiences include co-founder of design and manufacturing firm Gilero, starting the nonprofit trade association NCMD, serving as business advisor for the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation's "Coulter College," and director for Duke NeuroInnovations.
About CanvasGT Inc:
CanvasGT specializes in real-time, multi-site collaboration solutions for diverse innovation teams. Their unique user experience enables left and right brained thinkers to simultaneously contribute and manipulate information in a preferred user interface. While one group of users is manipulating “sticky notes” on a visual framework, another group can be interacting with the same information in a row and column tabular view of the data. Their novel method of information visualization increases productivity, maintains richer design history, and encourages increased participation among multidisciplinary teams.