Company Installs Cleanroom for Servicing Medical TubingCompany Installs Cleanroom for Servicing Medical Tubing
June 1, 2000
Originally Published June 2000
Company Installs Cleanroom for Servicing Medical Tubing
Texloc (Fort Worth, TX) has installed a Class 10,000 cleanroom for inspecting and packaging medical-grade fluoroplastic tubing. According to Dan Rodriguez, Texloc general manager, "Our ability to inspect and package in a Class 10,000 cleanroom enables us to offer tubing that is ready for the high standards of the medical industry. Texloc has made a commitment to servicing the medical industry, and this cleanroom is the first step toward accomplishing that."
Microwall and heat-shrink tubing is available in sizes beginning at 0.006 in. in diameter. It is manufactured to custom specifications and precision tolerances. Processing methods include flaring, forming, convoluting, corrugating, and cuffing. The heat-shrink tubing is available in shrink ratios from 1.25:1 to 4:1 and can withstand all common methods of sterilization, including autoclave, radiation, and EtO. —Karim Marouf
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