How Are You Celebrating National Robotics Week?How Are You Celebrating National Robotics Week?
April 14, 2010
Science fiction movies and television shows often depict a frightening future in which robots overtake humans. For now, however, robots are enabling companies to operate more efficiently and with repeatability in such instances as medical device manufacturing, and providing an innovative platform for new kinds of surgery. To celebrate these technological marvels, a collaborative council consisting of members from industry and academia alike has launched National Robotics Week, which it hopes will become an annual event.Already in full swing, National Robotics Week runs this week until April 18, and aims to celebrate robotics development in the United States, advocate funding, inspire students, and educate the public about the progress that robots allow (and perhaps to dispel rumors or mitigate speculation regarding those aforementioned sci-fi scenarios).That said, how are you celebrating National Robotics Week? Do the robot dance move and then head on out to one of the regional events near you! A full list of this week's events, including a Robot Block Party in Boston and a Greater D.C. Botball Regional Tournament, can be found at the National Robotics Week Web site. Plus, read about the latest robots suited for use in medical device manufacturing in MPMN's April Focus on Robots.
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