Web Site Displays Anatomically Correct Models
October 1, 2005
Originally Published MPMN October 2005
Web Site Displays Anatomically Correct Models
www.3dscience.com(click to enlarge) |
A company has launched an online store devoted to 3-D models and animations of the human anatomy as well as biology and nanotechnology models. To welcome new users to its site, Zygote Media Group (Salt Lake City, UT) offers complimentary downloads of 3-D models of the male and female body and other selected scientific images.
Models, images, and animation offered on the Web site include skeletal, muscular, respiratory, and urinary systems; DNA molecules; atomic particles; viruses; and nanotubes.
Medical device engineering and pharmaceutical industries frequently rely on the firm's modeling services for research and marketing. Zygote also provides 3-D content to the film industry. Its creations have been seen in films such as Independence Day and The Fifth Element.
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