LMI Technologies Changes Domain and Revamps SiteLMI Technologies Changes Domain and Revamps Site
January 15, 2007
Originally Published MPMN January/February 2007
LMI Technologies Changes Domain and Revamps Site
In order to reflect a new global identity and logo, LMI Technologies Inc. (Delta, BC, Canada) has procured a new domain and redesigned its Web site. The vision sensor engineering and manufacturing company switched domains to underscore its Sensors That See identity, which the firm adopted to easily communicate what it produces. The site features a PDF version of the corporate brochure, in addition to a company overview and a breakdown of the divisions that make up the company. The site highlights the advantages of partnering with LMI, provides an application evaluation request form, and includes a company news section. Furthermore, users can register to access a sensor support or order center where online forums, software, tools, documentation, job histories, and order-tracking capabilities are available.
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