Hi-Tech Rubber Offers Cross-Functional Collaboration Program
July 13, 2003
Originally Published MPMN July 2003
Hi-Tech Rubber Offers Cross-Functional Collaboration Program
Erin Bradford
How often have you seen this before: An engineer designs an innovative product and sends it to manufacturing. Then manufacturing sends it back, saying that it can't be built. The specs, size, or materials of the design made the assembly impossible. How much time was wasted?
The people at Hi-Tech Rubber (Anaheim, CA; www.hi-techrubber.com) have seen this problem all too often. To help its customers avoid this trap, the company has put together the Premier Collaboration Assistance Program (PCAP). This effort is meant to help customers through every stage of design and construction by connecting designers and manufacturers. In addition, customers can speak with Hi-Tech's internal engineering and technical team. Once customers are equipped with technical advice and current industry and supplier information, they will be able to find the best possible materials and strategy for their designs.
"What we're hoping to do is help the design engineers on the front end of their projects," says Dave Mabie, senior product and marketing manager for Hi-Tech. "Often, engineers will submit a project to manufacturers only to find that the project needs to be modified or redesigned. With this program, engineers will work with the manufacturer up front on the design of the product."
PCAP will focus on advancing the use of silicone and thermoplastic elastomers in medical device applications. Such materials have a number of uses, ranging from fluid-pump diaphragms to check valves and other peripheral equipment.
Users can access the program through Hi-Tech's toll-free customer service number, 800/475-9790, or log on to the company's Web site. --Erin Bradford
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