Teach Your Children Well

April 1, 2003

2 Min Read
Teach Your Children Well

Originally Published MPMN April 2003


Teach Your Children Well

0303p4a.jpgWith the aging of America, themedical device industry, like U.S. manufacturing in general, may soon be facing a crisis in its workforce. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) reports that even intoday's weak economy, 80% of all U.S. manufacturers report a moderate to serious need for qualified, trained workers. The organization further says that more than 60% of manufacturerscan't meet production levels to satisfy customer demand. 

Without an influx of new employees, the situation will only get worse. The average worker is approximately 58 years old, NAM reports. As these people retire,the manufacturing sector will need to hire 10 million new people in the next 20 years, according to NAM estimates.

Employers must wage a public relations campaign to recruit highly skilled and motivated young people to fill these vacated positions in manufacturing environments. In order to attract the high-quality workers that will be needed,"we must do a better job of telling the world that manufacturing is a nobleprofession," says Richard E. Dauch, Manufacturing Institute chairman, and also cofounder, chairman, and CEO of American Axle & Manufacturing Inc. 

To help manufacturers achieve this goal, NAM is sponsoring the tentatively titled Manufacturing Careers Campaign. Its mission is to create a positive public image through a national advertising program, which may include print media and television and radio commercials. 

Individual manufacturers need to be involved, too. They can have a huge impact on the local public, especially the young people who will likely become their employees. Under the program, executives are encouraged and coached by NAMon writing editorials for local newspapers and being booked on talk shows. 

Companies can become involved with students and public schools to teach young people about the realities of careers in manufacturing. They can also conducttours of their facilities for community organizations and the media. 

The program is admirable for at least two reasons. If it achieves its stated purpose, manufacturing will benefit froma highly skilled, dependable workforce. The reverse is also true. Because of thevery public nature of the campaign, it will force manufacturers to run the kinds of operations that talented young people will want to join. Both manufacturer andworker will be well served.

As Dauch says, "We must change the perception that manufacturing is a dirty, dark, dead-end industry. In reality, manufacturing is a high-tech field with interesting and useful opportunities and excellentcompensation."

Susan Wallace, Managing Editor

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