Could 2022 Be the Biggest Year Ever for BIOMEDevice Boston?Could 2022 Be the Biggest Year Ever for BIOMEDevice Boston?

Informa’s Adrienne Zepeda joins us for an in-depth conversation about BIOMEDevice Boston and how this year’s show stands out from the rest.

Omar Ford

August 29, 2022

1 Min Read
Image courtesy of titoOnz / Alamy Stock Photo



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One of the industry’s most explosive shows is set to return September 28 to 29 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. BIOMEDevice Boston event will host some of the most creative and innovative minds in the biomedical world, making it the premiere event for engineers, business leaders, and disruptive companies.

Adrienne Zepeda, Informa’s group event director,  joins us for this episode of Let’s Talk Medtech to discuss why this will be a standout year for the event.

About the Author

Omar Ford

Omar Ford is a veteran reporter in the field of medical technology and healthcare journalism. As Editor-in-Chief of MD+DI (Medical Device and Diagnostics Industry), a leading publication in the industry, Ford has established himself as an authoritative voice and a trusted source of information.

Ford, who has a bachelor's degree in print journalism from the University of South Carolina, has dedicated his career to reporting on the latest advancements and trends in the medical device and diagnostic sector.

During his tenure at MD+DI, Ford has covered a wide range of topics, including emerging medical technologies, regulatory developments, market trends, and the rise of artificial intelligence. He has interviewed influential leaders and key opinion leaders in the field, providing readers with valuable perspectives and expert analysis.


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