11 Devices For Hacking Your Health — 6. NeurOptimal11 Devices For Hacking Your Health — 6. NeurOptimal
11 Devices For Hacking Your Health — 6. NeurOptimal
October 1, 2014
NeurOptimal is focused a neurofeedback system focused on mental fitness. Using a series of noninvasive sensors attached to the scalp and ears, the NeuroOptimal system monitors brainwaves while users either watch a visualization or listen to music and uses subtle cues to get the user's brain to switch between various levels of awareness. The results, the company says, improve mental flexibility and enhance one's ability to adapt to stress and environmental changes. NeuroOptimal says user feedback as reported positive outcomes with clients dealing with ADD, ADHD, PTSD disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, sleep disorders, insomnia and cognitive dysfunction from chemotherapy.
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