What to Expect at BIOMEDevice BostonWhat to Expect at BIOMEDevice Boston

BIOMEDevice Boston is set to take place between Sept. 28-29 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

MDDI Staff

August 10, 2022

6 Min Read
Image courtesy of Terry Mathews / Alamy Stock Photo

Digital technology has played a foundational role in transforming medtech, from advanced technology that enhances patient care delivery, driving costs down, to making healthcare more widely accessible. McKinsey & Company recently reported digital technology’s value to the larger healthcare ecosystem could reach a whopping $3 trillion by 2030, as we see continued sophistication of applications such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, automation, 3D printing, and remote monitoring.

While medtech companies, both big players and startups alike, have facilitated impressive change and growth, there remains a lot of room for improvement as the technology that powers medical devices and monitors use matures.

BIOMEDevice Boston is a direct response to the industry’s ever-changing landscape, helping companies improve the ways in which they harness the power of technology and digital solutions that result in more efficient, accurate, and lower-cost medical devices. The two-day event will host some of the most creative and innovative minds in the biomedical world, making it the premiere event for engineers, business leaders, and disruptive companies. Taking place from Sept. 28-29 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, BIOMEDevice Boston will host more than 30 industry speakers and thought leaders who will share their insights on the emergent technology coming down the pipeline and incite peer-to-peer conversation into the industry’s most pressing topics.

The conference and exhibition will host a wide range of suppliers disrupting the medtech space, from the region’s top start-ups to the world’s most recognizable medical device OEMs, making it a can’t-miss event, according to Adrienne Zepeda, Group Event Director, BIOMEDevice Boston.

Recently, MD+DI sat down with Zepeda to hear her insight on what attendees can expect at this year’s event and how the content agenda addresses timely issues, including exclusive keynotes, panels, exhibitions, and more.

MD+DI: Tell us about BIOMEDevice Boston. Who should attend this event?

Adrienne: Engineers, business leaders, disruptive companies, and visionaries influencing the medtech space, whether you’re looking to discover new technology and products, sign new partners to strategically expand your business, learn from the industry’s most prominent experts, network with peers, or are an emerging engineer interested in the field. BIOMEDevice Boston is the region’s meeting place for medtech pioneers and disruptors shaping next-gen technology that are inspiring the next life-changing medical device. Not only do you have the hard-to-come-by chance to meet industry influencers but learn from them and engage in candid conversation – who knows, maybe this is where you’ll come up with a revolutionary solution that completely disrupts the medtech field. That’s what sets BIOMEDevice Boston apart; it’s where thought leaders convene to turn ambition into reality.

MD+DI: What should attendees expect when they arrive on the show floor and throughout the event?

Adrienne: We are expecting more than 200 exhibitors for this year’s edition, each showcasing their proprietary technologies and delivering new tools and products that can be used to address different pain points. The power of face-to-face is you’ll have a chance to speak with the engineers and experts behind the product development, and gain a comprehensive understanding of its unique capabilities, learn real use-cases, and watch live demonstrations. 

Beyond the expo floor, this year’s educational agenda is designed to reflect the challenges and untapped opportunities engineers and business owners face daily. It’s not often you have the chance to learn from dozens of the industry’s most renowned experts as they impart insights on a range of topics, from 3D printing, digital health, to robotics. And we offer something for everyone, from technical insights, trend-driven presentations, intimate Q&As with select speakers, to an all-new Master Class series geared toward startups.

Also, we know how difficult it can be to connect with peers and meet new folks in the industry, so we offer plentiful networking opportunities. The event kicks off with a welcome reception, there’s a sugar rush, and much more. Check out the full schedule of events here

MD+DI: BIOMEDevice Boston is a fantastic opportunity for startups in emergent technology and medicine. For those exhibitors, why is BIOMEDevice Boston a must-attend event?

Adrienne: Boston is a thriving medtech hub, fueled by a winning combination of the state’s long history of advanced manufacturing, world-class education, and a leading hospital system. Massachusetts, in fact, is the nation’s leading state when it comes to medical product exports, surpassing $6 billion in 2018 and only just falls short of California with regard to overall venture capital funding.

Overall, Boston is the third largest medtech city in the United States due to the many large medical companies headquartered in Massachusetts. Top research hospitals include Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and many others that received National Institutes of Health grants totaling $2.7 billion, according to a report sponsored by MassMEDIC. Because of this, the newest and most advanced ideas and technologies are being developed right in Boston’s backyard.

BIOMEDevice is strategically located in Boston, sitting at the epicenter of medical device innovation. Our exhibitor and attendee communities are looking to establish long-term relationships with new partners to be a part of this market growth. And our exhibitors are the industry’s highly sought-after suppliers offering a full source of contact manufacturing, design, product development, materials, and educational elements that can help start-ups through the full product cycle, from idea to finished product. 

MD+DI: Why is that face-to-face interaction so important for the industry?

Adrienne: It’s huge to establish relationships and partnerships with peers and vendors, and the best way to do that is through face-to-face interaction. Medical device is ever-changing due to advancements in implemented technology and our events allow attendees and exhibitors to connect, find solutions, and establish relationships while staying on top of the latest trends.

MD+DI: Can you speak to the online element of the show?

Adrienne: Our Smart Event approach, which delivers an online resource in conjunction with the live event, serves as a great resource and added touchpoint for attendees to get a jump start on sourcing new products and technologies so they can proactively set up meetings with exhibitors. Additionally, registration enables access to exclusive educational content published on the online platform; three weeks leading up to the event, and two weeks following, registered guests can tap into exclusive educational content and hold one-on-one meetings before the in-person event for a more efficient and productive experience. What’s more, the online resource allows attendees and exhibitors to connect after the event to hold follow up meetings and continue to cultivate newly established relationships after the expo.

The Smart Event also allows 24/7 access to attendees, speakers, presentations, product information, and more for those who are not able to attend the expo in person, and anyone can have instant access right through their phone. Not only do you get three days of in-person networking, live show demonstrations, and speaker presentations, but you can connect and showcase with others while representing yourself and your company. BIOMEDevice Boston’s Smart Event format is really the future of events and augments the live experience.

MD+DI: What are some new and exciting trends attendees can expect to see at this year’s expo?

Adrienne: There are so many new technologies and trends from that will be displayed this year. Digital health especially is a booming industry; one example is the use of remote technology within hospitals and doctors. In 2022, 45.1 million patients in the U.S. used remote-monitoring technologies. That marks a 15% increase from 2021. With BIOMEDevice Boston’s focal point being digital health, 3DP, surgical robotics, and more, remote technologies will take center stage at the event. It’s a prime opportunity for members of the medtech community to meet with exhibitors and discuss how the newest innovations will change the medical landscape.

Register for full access to all BIOMEDevice Boston has to offer here.


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