A Few Facts About TelemedicineA Few Facts About Telemedicine

Telemedicine is going to be the wave of the future. Hear are some facts thate explain why.

July 14, 2015

1 Min Read
A Few Facts About Telemedicine

Telemedicine is going to be the wave of the future. Here are some facts that explain why. 

Arundhati Parmar

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded the coverage of telemedicine for Medicare beneficiaries, and bills have been introduced in Congress, including the bipartisan Medicare Telehealth Parity Act, to recognize the power that telemedicine has to bring convenience and efficacy to the Medicare population.

Younger patients who have health insurance from private payers often have better telemedicine coverage than Medicare patients do. 

The infographic below helps to understand why such efforts to broaden the coverage is necessary. It shows what trends are powering the move to telemedicine today, including higher patient satisfaction and convenience as well as similar if not better clinical outcomes when the medium of care delivery was remote.

Here's the infographic created by Vidyo, a videoconferencing firm.

Arundhati Parmar is senior editor at MD+DI. Reach her at [email protected] and on Twitter @aparmarbb 

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