If Superman Needs a Shave He Should Visit an OEMIf Superman Needs a Shave He Should Visit an OEM
A blatant marketing campaign by Gillette razors has actually turned up some interesting discussion.
June 14, 2013
So if you watch the trailer for Man Of Steel you'll probably notice that Clark Kent appears with a beard early on, only to emerge as a clean-shaven Superman later in the film (presumably for the ladies).
The question is: How does Superman shave? After all, a man with super-everything-else must surely have hairs far stronger than a mere mortal's. Gillette posed the same question to the Internet and received some very unique (and actually informative) responses. Some pointed to the obvious answer revealed the comic books – he bounces his heat vision off of a mirror to remove the hairs. While others are far more outlandish – the guys from MythBusters suggest creating miniature black holes around his face. But the favorite theory comes from Bill Nye the Science Guy who proposes a materials science solution to Superman's five o'clock shadow. No magic or alien materials necessary. Nye suggests a grinding operation, which will allow for a material to be cut by another material that isn't necessarily as strong. What Nye suggests, in essence, then is Superman can probably get that smooth closeness he's looking for by visiting any medical device contract manufacturer that offers grinding services. Any OEM capable of grinding precions tools and machine parts would probably serve Superman's purposes. One might suggest 7-axis grinding to ensure precion and the ability to follow the contures of his face. -Chris Wiltz, Associate Editor, MD+DI
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