Infrared and Software Components Power a SARS-Monitoring Device
September 2, 2003
Originally Published MPMNSeptember 2003
Infrared and Software Components Power a SARS-Monitoring Device
Analysis software and infrared imager combine to detect high skin and body temperatures
A device using an infrared imager and self-calibration technology detects abnormally high skin and body temperatures. |
Through the teamwork of an infrared imaging solutions provider and a developer of infrared applications,
a temperature-monitoring system was created in response to the recent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic. Indigo Systems Corp. (Goleta, CA) and WinSoft Corp. (Santa Ana, CA) reacted to the epidemic by developing ThermaStat, a human skin- and body-temperature monitor with an accuracy of ±0.5°C. The finished product combines Indigo's smallest infrared imager, Omega, with Winsoft's ThermaVU analysis software and continuous self-calibration mechanism.
Omega, a thermal imaging, uncooled microbolometer camera offers a spectral response of 7.5-13.5 µm with pixel sizes of 51 ¥ 51 µm. With the ability to produce images within two seconds, the product operates in temperatures ranging from 0°-40°C, and is suitable for stand-alone monitoring applications.
The ThermaVu software features image acquisition, camera control, basic and advanced thermal analysis, and image display. A PC controls the infrared camera and all other tools. Capable of identification, comparison, and modification of the images, the product incorporates isotherm tools to color areas of the image within a defined temperature band.
"The software has been used [in testing devices] in emergency rooms to screen patients for fevers, or also in looking at blood and being able to see things that normally would be difficult to detect," says Ehud Shany, president of WinSoft. "ThermaVu is a library of functions to analyze and communicate with the camera. All [customers] need to do is buy a camera, and the software library and toolkit do the analysis."
Indigo Systems Corp.
50 Castilian Dr.
Goleta, CA 93117
tel: 805/964-9797
fax: 805/685-2711
E-mail: [email protected]
WinSoft Corp.
200 E. Sandpointe
Santa Ana, CA 92707
tel: 714/444-4844
fax: 714/444-4644
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