December 1, 1996

18 Min Read
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Academy of Dental Materials
3302 Gaston Ave., Dallas, TX 75246;214/828-8378, fax 214/874-4503
Objectives are to provide a forum for the expression of opinions related to the physical and chemical properties, biological interaction, clinical applications, and techniques of utilization of materials in the field of dentistry and to encourage research in the development of materials applicable to the art and science of dentistry.

Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc.
1627 K St. N.W., Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 20006; 202/452-1500, fax 202/452-1501
A nonprofit, international trade association incorporated in 1958 for the purpose of providing opportunities for dialogue, education, advancement, and improvement of all aspects of the adhesive and sealant industry. Offers semiannual conventions, technical short courses, government relations, statistics, and publications.

American Association for Clinical Chemistry
2101 L St. N.W., Washington, DC 20037-1526; 202/857-0717, 800/892-1400, fax 202/887-5093
A nonprofit, international educational organization of more than 11,000 members with a common interest in clinical laboratory science. Members specialize in fields such as clinical chemistry, biochemistry and immunology, molecular pathology, medical technology, clinical pathology, toxicology, and laboratory management. The association publishes books, a news magazine, and a journal; holds a national meeting; offers educational programs; and is involved in government and regulatory affairs.

American Dental Trade Association
4222 King St. W., Alexandria, VA 22302-1597; 703/379-7755, fax 703/931-9429
The oldest and largest trade group representing the dental industry in the United States, with international ties. Members include distributors, laboratories, and manufacturers of supplies and equipment used in dental offices, laboratories, and schools.

American Electronics Association
1225 Eye St. N.W., Ste. 950, Washington, DC 20005; 202/682-9110, fax 202/682-9111
Dedicated to strengthening the U.S. electronics and information technology industry's global competitiveness. The trade group, which represents some 3000 companies, offers members opportunities such as financial conferences, management programs, compensation surveys, group advantage member services, an industry statistics program, local council networking, and government relations programs. Its public affairs staff represents the association and industry in such areas as taxation, trade, education, government procurements, and the environment.

American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
1901 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Ste. 401, Washington, DC 20006; 202/496-9660, fax 202/466-8489
AIMBE was formed in 1991 with the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation to assist various constituencies of the medical and biological engineering community on issues of mutual interest. The institute offers a forum for catalyzing broad involvement of engineers, representation of medical and biological engineering on issues of national interest, and research on policy issues related to the development and evaluation of the appropriate use of technology in medicine and biology. The organization also offers workshops and courses designed to educate the professional community and the public at large. Fifteen scientific societies representing the full spectrum of bioengineering research and education in the United States are full members of AIMBE.

American National Standards Institute
11 W. 42nd St., New York, NY 10036; 212/642-4900, fax 212/398-0023
A private nonprofit membership organization that coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards system, bringing together interests from the private and public sectors to develop voluntary standards for a wide array of U.S. industries. The institute's membership includes approximately 1300 national and international companies, 32 government agencies, 24 institutions, and 261 professional, technical, trade, labor, and consumer organizations. ANSI is the official U.S. member body to the world's leading standards bodies--the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission--via the U.S. National Committee.

American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
7910 Woodmont Ave., Ste. 530, Bethesda, MD 20814; 301/657-2768, fax 301/657-2909
A large nonregistry professional association for nonphysician clinical laboratory professionals. Its 20,000 members include hematologists, phlebotomists, immunologists, immunohematologists, clinical chemists, microbiologists, managers, and educators.

American Society for Testingand Materials
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 610/832-9500, fax 610/832-9555
A primary source of voluntary standards for materials, products, systems, and services. The society's 32,000 members contribute their time and expertise to the development and maintenance of standards and related technical information. More than 10,000 standards are published in the 71-volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards.

American Vacuum Society
120 Wall St., 32nd Fl., New York, NY 10005; 212/248-0200, fax 212/248-0245
An interdisciplinary organization of professionals in basic research, applied research, development, manufacturing, and sales. Its technical divisions are: applied surface science, electronic materials and processing, nanometer science and technology, plasma science and technology, thin film, vacuum metallurgy, and vacuum technology. The society sponsors more than 70 short courses in addition to publishing three technical journals.

AOAC International
481 N. Frederick Ave., Ste. 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2417; 301/924-7077, fax 301/924-7089
An independent association of scientists and organizations in the public and private sectors devoted to promoting methods validation and quality measurements in the analytical sciences.

ASQC (American Society for Quality Control)
P.O. Box 3005, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005; 800/248-1946, fax 414/272-1734
Founded in 1946, the ASQC is a quality source for information on the development, promotion, and application of quality strategies and techniques. The professional, not-for-profit association serves more than 140,000 individuals and 1100 sustaining members.

The Association for Electric Motors, Their Control and Application (SMMA)
P.O. Box 378, Sherborn, MA 01770-0378; 508/655-4409, fax 508/651-3920
SMMA is the North American association, with a global focus, for electric motors, their control, and application. It serves as the principal voice of the industry and provides a forum to develop, collect, and disseminate technical and management knowledge. Current membership is 180 companies including manufacturers of motors, controls, materials, and components; media; universities; and consultants. In addition to a spring management meeting and a fall technical meeting, SMMA offers motor design courses through the SMMA Motor College.

Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
3330 Washington Blvd., Ste. 400, Arlington, VA 22201-4598; 703/525-4890, fax 703/276-0793
An alliance of engineering, medicine, nursing, industry, and government professionals united by the common goal of increasing the understanding and beneficial use of medical instrumentation. AAMI fulfills its mission through continuing education conferences, certification of health-care technical specialists, and the publication of technical documents and periodicals.

Association of Medical Diagnostics Manufacturers
Columbia Square, 555 13th St. N.W., Ste. 700W, Washington, DC 20004-1108; 202/637-6837, fax 202/637-5910
Established in 1973, AMDM is a nonprofit trade association that serves as a resource for education and information on compliance issues for member companies, and as an interface between member companies and FDA. Originally, membership was limited to manufacturers and distributors of prepared microbiological media. Today membership includes companies of all sizes that manufacture and distribute in vitro diagnostic products, including cell cultures and cell culture media, immunology and immune status test products, antigen and microbial detection products, and toxicology products.

Biomedical Marketing Association
3905 Vincennes Rd., Ste. 304, Indianapolis, IN 46268; 317/228-8067, fax 317/872-7133
A nonprofit professional organization of nearly 700 marketing and management professionals involved in marketing diagnostics and other medical products or services. The association offers seminars, an annual conference, a marketing educational conference, and presents marketing excellence awards.

California Healthcare Institute
1020 Prospect St., Ste. 310, La Jolla, CA 92037; 619/551-6677, fax 619/551-6688
A statewide public policy research and advocacy organization for California's health-care technology industry. CHI's members include medical device, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as public and private research institutions in California. The organization combines the strengths of these industries to advocate state and federal policies that promote scientific discovery and biomedical innovation. CHI's legislative priorities include: FDA reform, broadening state R&D tax incentives to reflect the special needs of medical device innovators, ensuring Medicare reimbursement for procedures involving investigational medical devices, and tort reform that ensures the availability of biomaterials to medical device manufacturers.

Contact Lens Manufacturers Association
4400 E. West Hwy., Ste. 33, Bethesda, MD 20814; 301/654-2229, fax 301/654-1611
Organized in 1961, CLMA is made up of contact lens laboratories and material, solution, and equipment manufacturers both in the United States and abroad. The mission of CLMA is to increase awareness and use of custom-manufactured contact lenses.

Controlled Release Society
1020 Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 235, Deerfield, IL 60015; 847/808-7071, fax 847/808-7073
European Office: c/o University of Geneva School of Pharmacy, 30 quai E.-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland; (41) 22 7026339; fax (41) 22 7026339
An international organization with the mission of advancing the science and technology of chemical and biological delivery systems. The society sponsors annual symposia, workshops, and short courses; publishes a newsletter; and promotes education and student and local chapters.

Council on Packaging in the Environment
1255 23rd St. N.W., Ste. 850, Washington, DC 20037; 202/331-0099, fax 202/833-3636
A national coalition of consumer product companies, packaging producers, material suppliers, retailers, trade associations, and recyclers. The council was formed in recognition of the fact that in recent years packaging, as part of larger environmental issues, is of increasing concern. The council acknowledges this concern and wishes to do its part in helping to resolve environmental packaging issues in the most efficient and responsible manner possible.

5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298; 610/825-6000, fax 610/834-1275
ECRI, a nonprofit health services research agency and a collaborating center of the World Health Organization, provides information to the health-care community to support safe and cost-effective patient care. ECRI is world's largest independent evaluator of medical devices and maintains numerous databases on medical technologies. ECRI publishes the Health Devices Sourcebook, an annual directory of medical device manufacturers and equipment, and the Healthcare Product Comparison System on CD-ROM, an international database of capital medical equipment, including brand-name product specifications and overviews of various technologies.

Edison Welding Institute
1250 Arthur E. Adams Dr., Columbus, OH 43221; 614/688-5000, fax 614/688-5001
EWI is a leading engineering organization with over 160 engineering, technical, and support staff members with expertise in virtually every welding and joining technology available today for joining metals, ceramics, and plastics. EWI operates as a nonprofit industrial consortium, working with over 340 member companies to provide applied research, consultancy, training, and general technical support. Medical manufacturers have used EWI's expertise to assess the weldability of nitinol; develop processes for refractory metals such as platinum, platinum-iridium, tungsten, and molybdenum; join dissimilar materials such as ceramics to stainless steel; or assess the seal integrity of plastic materials.

Electromagnetic Energy Association
1255 23rd St. N.W., Ste. 850, Washington, DC 20037; 202/452-1070, fax 202/833-3636
A nonprofit association of manufacturers and users of electrical and electronic systems. The association develops educational programs, sponsors research, and advocates rational, science-based exposure standards on the production and use of nonionizing electromagnetic energy.

Electronic Industries Association
2500 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; 703/907-7500, fax 703/907-7501
A national trade organization representing U.S. electronic manufacturers. Committed to the competitiveness of the American producer, EIA represents the entire spectrum of companies involved in the manufacture of electronic components, parts systems, and equipment for communications, industrial, government, and consumer uses.

Electrostatic Discharge Association
7902 Turin Rd., Ste. 4, Rome, NY 13440-2069; 315/339-6937, fax 315/339-6793
A professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance. From an initial emphasis on the effects of ESD on electronic components, the association is broadening its scope to include other areas such as textiles and fullyassembled electronic products. The association sponsors educational activities, including symposia and regional tutorials to support research and education in ESD.

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Association
1815 H St. N.W., Ste. 500, Washington, DC 20006-3604; 202/296-6300, fax 202/775-5929
EOSA is a trade organization for parties interested in ethylene oxide and its diverse uses. Membership is open to any interested party, but EOSA's primary focus is to service medical and pharmaceutical companies, contract ethylene oxide sterilizers, gas sterilant suppliers, related users and suppliers, and consultants to the industry. The association was formed to promote the benefits of using ethylene oxide for sterilization purposes and to represent other common interests of its members. Some of the objectives include information sharing, monitoring regulatory activities, undertaking advocacy positions, addressing proposed government regulations, and fostering reasonable regulations and truthful communications regarding ethylene oxide.

1000 Vermont Ave. N.W., Ste. 200, Washington, DC 20005; 202/371-1420, fax 202/371-0649
Composed of more than 480 manufacturers, suppliers, law firms, consultants, and other organizations, FDLI is a nonprofit educational organization that provides a neutral forum for the exchange of views. Its mission is to promote an understanding of the laws, regulations, and policies affecting the public health aspects of foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, biological products, and veterinary medical products. This is done through seminars, publications, scholarships, and the support of food and drug law courses. The organization, once known as the Food and Drug Law Institute, now uses FDLI as its complete name.

Flexible Packaging Association
1090 Vermont Ave. N.W., Ste. 500, Washington, DC 20005; 202/842-3880, fax 202/842-3841
Represents companies that convert or supply flexible packaging made of paper, plastic film, aluminum foil, or any combination of those materials. The association produces statistics on industry growth, imports and exports, operating ratios and compensation; develops standards and guides on technical specification, sterilization packaging, and bar code scanning; issues legislative and regulatory alerts and reports, curriculum guides for public schools, and a newsletter with pertinent industry developments; and sponsors an annual awards competition for the best flexible packaging.

Georgia Biomedical Partnership, Inc.
2800 Nations Bank Plaza, 600 Peachtree St., P.O. Box 54151, Atlanta, GA 30308-4151; 404/817-5917, fax 404/817-4345
A nonprofit membership organization devoted to the advancement of biomedical technology and healthcare-related economic development, technology transfer, and strengthening of the state's biomedical infrastructure. Membership is composed of biomedical companies, research institutions, corporate service providers, and individuals committed to the promotion, support, and development of the biomedical technology industry in Georgia.

Health Care Industries Association
P.O. Box 89, Niagara Square Station, Buffalo, NY 14201-0089; 716/856-8111, fax 716/856-1744
A not-for-profit membership organization composed of many of western New York's health-related companies and organizations. HCIA brings together manufacturers, distributors, providers, suppliers, and members from universities and hospitals. It is dedicated to promoting this sector and its economic growth by facilitating networking, providing support services, and marketing the region nationally and internationally.

Health Industry Business Communications Council
5110 N. 40th St., Ste. 250, Phoenix, AZ 85018; 602/381-1091, fax 602/381-1093
An industry-sponsored and -supported nonprofit organization, the council's primary function is to facilitate electronic communications by developing appropriate standards for information exchange among all health-care trading partners.

The Health Industry Council of the Dallas­Fort Worth Region
1460 Post & Paddock, Grand Prairie, TX 75050; 972/606-0510, fax 972/641-5719
A nonprofit association founded to encourage health industry growth in the Dallas­Fort Worth region. The council gathers health industry data about the area, promotes industry conferences and conventions, and facilitates interaction among members of the health-care community.

Health Industry Distributors Association
66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste. 520, Alexandria, VA 22314-1538; 703/549-4432, fax 703/549-6495
National business trade association representing medical product distributors and home-health-care providers. The association's wholesale and retail members serve the nation's home-care, hospital, long-term-care, and physician/alternate-care markets.

Health Industry Manufacturers Association
1200 G St., Ste. 400, Washington, DC 20005; 202/783-8700, fax 202/783-8750
HIMA is a Washington, DC­based trade association and the largest medical technology association in the world, representing more than 700 manufacturers of medical devices, diagnostic products, and medical information systems. HIMA's members manufacture nearly 90% of the more than $51 billion of health-care technology products purchased annually in the United States, and nearly 60% of the $120 billion purchased annually around the world.

Health Industry Representatives Association
6535 S. Dayton St., Ste. 3000, Englewood, CO 80111-6135; 303/649-1622, 800/777-4474, fax 303/799-0678
A trade association of independent contractor sales representatives in the health-care industry.

Independent Medical Distributors Association
5818 Reeds Rd., Mission, KS 66202-2740; 913/262-4510, 800/398-5632, fax 913/262-0174
An association of specialized medical distributors who are engaged primarily in the sale and distribution of specialized high-technology medical supplies and equipment.

Independent Reagent Manufacturers Association
845 Ave. G E., Arlington, TX 76011; 817/640-0965, 800/433-7224, fax 817/649-2461
IRMA is a coalition of in vitro diagnostic manufacturers working together with regulatory agencies, legislators, and other trade associations to address relevant issues that affect the device industry. There are no dues associated with membership.

Indiana Medical Device Manufacturers Council, Inc.
1908 E. 64th St., South Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46220; 317/257-8558, fax 317/259-4191
Formed in 1991 as a trade association of companies and individuals involved in the manufacture of medical devices in Indiana. Composed of 41 corporate and 23 associate members, IMDMC focuses on training and education, legislative and regulatory issues, networking, and technology transfer. Meetings include four international business briefings, four regulatory/legislative roundtables, and four presentations on industry topics each year. IMDMC produces two seminars per year and a quarterly newsletter.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
445 Hoes Ln., P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331; 908/981-0060, fax 908/981-1855
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society. Serving the computing, electrical engineering, and electronics professions, IEEE engages in technical, educational, and professional activities that advance the theory and practice of electrotechnology, contribute to the lifelong professional and personal development of its members, and advance the profession. As scientific and technological advances are made, IEEE members transform such new knowledge into practical, safe products and procedures that enhance the quality of life. IEEE provides services and standards to serve members, the profession, and the public.

Institute of Environmental Sciences
940 E. Northwest Hwy., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056; 847/255-1561, fax 847/255-1699
An international professional organization dedicated to enhancing process and product quality through the advancement of controlled environment technologies. The institute establishes and maintains standards, recommended practices, educational programs, and communication forums. Members contribute to environmental sciences in the areas of contamination control in electronics manufacturing and pharmaceutical processes; design, testing, and evaluation of commercial and military equipment; product reliability issues associated with commercial and military systems; and computer applications in all areas of environmental science.

Institute of Packaging Professionals
481 Carlisle Dr., Herndon, VA 20170;703/318-8970, fax 703/318-0310
IoPP is the leading individual membership organization in the packaging industry. The institute offers a full program of membership services, including technical and news publications, professional development conferences, local chapter activities, an annual packaging design competition, and the only professional certification program in the packaging field.

International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0100; 360/676-3290, fax 360/647-1445
An international technical society dedicated to advancing engineering, scientific, and commercial applications of optical, photonic, imaging, electronic, and optoelectronic technologies. Its members are engineers, scientists, and users interested in the development and reduction to practice of these technologies. SPIE provides the means for communicating new developments and applications information to the engineering, scientific, and user communities through its publications, symposia, education programs, and on-line electronic information services.

ISHM, The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics
1850 Centennial Park Dr., Ste. 105, Reston, VA 20191-1517; 703/758-1060, fax 703/758-1066
ISHM, the International Society of Hybrid Microelectronics, will merge in January 1997 with the International Electronics Packaging Society to form the new International Microelectronic and Packaging Society, which will have more than 5500 members worldwide. Member benefits include a free comprehensive guide to industry products and services, discounts on attendance at symposia and lectures, membership in a local chapter, and a free subscription to our quarterly publication, the International Journal of Microcircuits & Electronic Packaging, and bimonthly publication, Advancing Microelectronics.

Joint Council of Immunohistochemical Manufacturers
P.O. Box 260051, Crestwood, MO 63126; 317/576-3854, fax 317/845-2324
An association that advocates collectively the interests of its members in regulatory, clinical, and scientific matters concerning antibodies and molecular biology reagents and related products. JCIM includes manufacturers of IVD devices employing related technology, relevant contract research organizations, and others.

Medical Alley
Travelers Express Tower, Ste. 725, 1550 Utica Ave. S., St. Louis Park, MN 55416-5307; 612/542-3077, fax 612/542-3088
A 230-member trade group whose membership includes high- and low-technology medical device and product manufacturers; those involved in health-care delivery, such as hospitals, clinics, health professionals, third-party payers, health plans, integrated service networks, research facilities, public sector representatives, and pharmaceutical companies; and companies and organizations that share in the industry's goals and concerns. Medical Alley is a collaborative forum that promotes an environment to enhance innovation in health care. The association serves as a forum for the diverse sectors of the industry to meet on common ground and offers an opportunity to connect with other industry leaders. Main areas of activity include educational/informational seminars; peer group discussions of regulatory, clinical, and reimbursement issues; legislative advocacy; and increasing international activity of members.

Medical Device Manufacturers Association
1900 K St. N.W., Ste. 300, Washington, DC 20006; 202/496-7150, fax 202/496-7756
A national trade association that represents nearly 110 independent manufacturers of medical devices, diagnostic products, and health-care information systems. MDMA seeks to improve the quality of patient care by encouraging the development of new medical technology and fostering the availability of beneficial, innovative products. To achieve these goals, MDMA represents its members' interests with regard to the laws and regulations administered by FDA and Congress and any interpretation or application of those laws and regulations. MDMA is a founding member of the National Medical Device Coalition.

Medical Devices Canada (MEDEC)
401 The West Mall, Ste. 510, Etobicoke, Ont., Canada M9C 5J5; 416/620-1915, fax 416/620-1595
Established in 1972, the association has about 100 members representing manufacturers and distributors of medical devices in Canada. MEDEC has three action groups focused on regulatory, marketing, and professional development issues.

Medical Marketing Association
74 New Montgomery, Ste. 230, San Francisco, CA 94105; 415/764-4807, 800/551-2173, fax 415/764-1023Provides personal, professional, and educational growth opportunities for people interested in marketing medical products and services. The association encourages the exchange of ideas, promotes standards, and provides education and training to enhance the quality of medical marketing and business success. Its 1200 members are from pharmaceutical, diagnostics, and device companies, and agencies and suppliers serving them. There are 13 chapters nationwide that provide monthly educational activities.

Michigan Medical Device Manufacturers and Suppliers Association
P.O. Box 130500, Ann Arbor, MI 48113; 313/930-9787, 800/930-5698,fax 313/930-0145
MMDM&SA was formed in 1993 with the mission to promote and strengthen the medical device industry in Michigan. It sponsors training seminars and a luncheon speaker series; is active in the areas of government relations, networking, and business development; and acts as an information clearing house for matters of interest to members. It also sponsors the only statewide industry trade show every October, publishes a bimonthly association newsletter, has launched a home page on the Internet, is developing a membership directory, and works with other associations in the region to enhance the visibility of its members.

National Association for Medical Equipment Services (NAMES)
625 Slaters Ln., Ste. 200, Alexandria, VA 22314-1171; 703/836-6263, fax 703/836-6730

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