What Can Big Data Cure? (infographic)What Can Big Data Cure? (infographic)

Much has been written about Big Data and its potential to transform the healthcare industry. This infographic looks at the Big Data landscape today among U.S. federal agencies focused on healthcare and healthcare research.

May 1, 2014

1 Min Read
What Can Big Data Cure? (infographic)

There is major hype around Big Data and it's ability to solve myriad healthcare problems. Not all agree, however, and they see it as just one of the tools that can enable a transformation of the healthcare industry. Something that has promise but linitations too. 

In the infographic below, MeriTalk interviewed 150 executives at federal agencies that have a focus on healthcare and healthcare research to understand the value of Big Data from their perspective. A full 62% believe that Big Data will significantly improve patient care in the Veterans Administration and military health systems when it comes to monitoring vital signs. Another 39% use big data to improve patient care when it comes to a patient exam.

But while they see the potential and many leverage it today, agencies are unprepared to handle Big Data. Fewer than one in five federal agencies say they are "very prepared" to work with big data today. Only 20% have educated senior management at the agency on issues pertaining to big data.

Here's the infographic:


[Photo Credit: iStockphoto.com user Alexsl

-- By Arundhati Parmar, Senior Editor, MD+DI
[email protected]

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