These Tiny Motor Innovations Could Be Big for MedtechThese Tiny Motor Innovations Could Be Big for Medtech
January 27, 2015
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These Tiny Motor Innovations Could Be Big for MedtechThey may be micro in size. They may be nano in size. But really small motors could be coming to a human body or a medical device plant near you—if recent innovations are any indication.Advances in materials and propulsion methods are allowing for such wonders as tiny bio-compatible motors that could deliver drugs in a highly targeted fashion, or nanomotors that could etch out nanoscale electronics.Read on to find out more:Refresh your medical device industry knowledge at MD&M West, in Anaheim, CA, February 10-12, 2015.Chris Newmarker is senior editor of Qmed and MPMN. Follow him on Twitter at @newmarker.Like what you’re reading? Subscribe to our daily e-newsletter.
These Tiny Motor Innovations Could Be Big for Medtech
They may be micro in size. They may be nano in size. But really small motors could be coming to a human body or a medical device plant near you—if recent innovations are any indication.
Advances in materials and propulsion methods are allowing for such wonders as tiny bio-compatible motors that could deliver drugs in a highly targeted fashion, or nanomotors that could etch out nanoscale electronics.
Chris Newmarker is senior editor of Qmed and MPMN. Follow him on Twitter at @newmarker.
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