Medtech Sales SupportMedtech Sales Support
November 1, 2003
Originally Published MX November/December 2003
Several classes of mobile product and service systems are available that can lighten the information management burden for field representatives and make them nimbler salespeople, but all have drawbacks as well as attractions.
Laptop Computers
Are able to store a massive amount of information.
Can display interesting animation for presentations, as well as graphics, videos, and so on.
Contain full-scale information processors for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation creation, and other applications.
Are good presentation devices for a large audience, with ample setup time.
Are heavy and cumbersome to use during standing sales presentations.
Are costly for deployment on a large scale.
Cannot be used while walking.
Are not effective in quick face-to-face meetings.
Are not useful for automating daily field tasks such as inventory tracking, quick reference, and quick data edits or capture.
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Systems
Are small and lightweight and thus conducive to use while walking or moving around.
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