My Favorite Bookmarks 14888My Favorite Bookmarks 14888
March 15, 2004
Originally Published MPMNMarch 2004
My Favorite Bookmarks
The Engineering Staff of Alaris Medical Systems Inc.
The Engineering Staff of Alaris Medical Systems Inc. |
Mathworld ( helpful for double checking equations and for explaining to others how you reached your end result. This site contains subjects ranging from geometry to statistics.
Amedeo ( has been created to serve the needs of healthcare professionals including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators, and other members of the health professions, patients, and their friends. Users can easily access timely, relevant information within their respective fields. We use this site to obtain general medical knowledge.
3D Content Central ( is a free resource to locate 3-D components that can be added to your designs. The site is a cooperative relationship between the 3D PartStream group of SolidWorks Corp. and industrial suppliers. We use this site so we don't waste time creating components from scratch for our assembly drawings.
University of Alberta ANSYS Tutorials ( provides tutorials for ANSYS engineering technology and design analysis software for those just beginning to utilize the power of finite element analysis.
GE Plastics ( offers on-demand e-seminars and engineering calculators. We have taken several of the courses and thought they were quite helpful. Basic materials research functions are also available.
Engineers Edge ( has basic information for engineering design. To name just a few of its features, it contains guidelines for plastic-part design, design for manufacturing, hardware information, a drill-size chart, and surface finish information.
SpecialChem4polymers ( hasexpertise in additives and colors for polymers. The site is a good resource for us during the material selection phase of a new design.
MatWeb ( is a searchable database of material data sheets, including property information on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, metals, and ceramics, plus a growing list of semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials. There are multiple ways to search, depending on what property you are looking for. This site is a very helpful tool for preliminary material selections.
IHS Global ( is a good source to search for and purchase ISO standards.
The FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health ( provides a searchable 510(k) database on its site, plus general information on submissions and regulatory guidelines, including draft guidelines.
Altavista's Babel Fish Translation Service ( is a good site that lets you type in your text and then translate into English or into the foreign language of your choice.
At least eight different languages are listed.
Alaris Medical Systems Inc. (San Diego, CA; IV disposable components that facilitate needle-free access and compliance.
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