Custom polyurethane thin films availableCustom polyurethane thin films available

Custom polyurethane thin films available. A line of precision-skived, thermoset-cast polyurethane thin films is available from Mearthane Products Corp. (Cranston, RI; 401/946-4400). Available in a range of dimensions, the films can also be custom formulated to meet a variety of chemical, physical, and electrical-conductivity specifications. The films can be ordered in quantities as low as 50 lb, so short

October 1, 2001

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to medium production runs can be easily accommodated. When compared to conventional thermoplastic films, thermoset polyurethane films offer improved tensile strength, tear strength, and abrasion resistance. Potential applications include use in abrasion-resistant coatings and transparent coverings for switches, self-adhesive tapes, gaskets, diaphragms, and more. The films can be laminated to other materials (e.g., PTFE) or coated with adhesives to create advanced composite film structures with multiple performance and manufacturing capabilities. Opaque, colored, translucent, and nearly clear films are available. The films are also offered with Mearthane's patented conductive technology to provide static dissipation in applications with resistivity ranges as low as 1 x 107 (omega)-cm.

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