J&J Wins Court Victory in ASR Hip Implant CaseJ&J Wins Court Victory in ASR Hip Implant Case
April 18, 2013
Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, NJ) won a verdict in an Illinois court regarding its ASR hip implant, a product manufactured by its DePuy division. While Johnson & Johnson has not yet issued a press release on this victory, Legal-Bay LLC, a plaintiff advocate firm, did issue a press release. Legal-Bay provides cash advances to plaintiffs in the Depuy ASR hip implant lawsuit and other related cases.Legal-Bay issues payments based on the viability of a certain case. If the odds tip in favor of the defendant, Legal-Bay may change its lawsuit cash advance policy to reflect a reduced potential for payout.In the first case involving the ASR hip implant, a jury in Los Angeles ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. In that case, the jury awarded $8 million to affected patients. While DuPuy has won a major part of this case, Legal-Bay considered this win to be a temporary setback. Legal-Bay will continue to fund plaintiffs."We remain committed to our clients of the DePuy litigation in spite of the recent verdict in DePuy's favor. Although this may slow the litigation down a little bit, we firmly believe that these DePuy settlement values are still worth as high as $500K in some cases." said Patty Kirby, a Legal-Bay client relations manager. Kirby continued, "We will continue to fund our ASR clients as needed; as well as assist the DePuy Pinnacle clients with funding and other services; including referring them to a national DePuy law firm if they haven't already retained counsel."More about J&J hip implants:J&J Faces Class Action Suit from 4500 ASR Hip Implant VictimsJ&J Recalls More Metal-on-Metal Hip ImplantsJ&J Analysis Shows a One in Three Failure Rate for Metal Hip Implants after Five Years
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