New Technologies Address Practical Needs at AAOSNew Technologies Address Practical Needs at AAOS
February 10, 2012
At this year's annual AAOS meeting, it was clear that many surgeons are embracing the iPad app trend and the need to use social media to improve patient care. We're at the very early stages of a new era of healthcare--one that is changing faster than ever, where patients can access an infinite amount of information at their fingertips.
"From iPad applications created specifically for orthopaedic surgeons and software that navigates where a device should be implanted, to ergonomic, “sexy” devices that make it easier for orthopaedic surgeons to perform procedures, AAOS 2012 brought innovations that accommodate the surgeon, the patient and shrinking budgets," wrote Tricia Rodewald, director of marketing at Pro-Dex Inc. (Irvine, CA), on OrthoTec.
Did you attend AAOS? What hot topics did you discuss there?
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