Lots to Talk About in Device Industry

Blogs like this one are becoming more common in the device industry as people look for new ways to discuss industry trends. They take all sorts of approaches and follow a variety of formats, though. Here are some examples.Imaging equipment manufacturer Medrad, Inc. has a corporate blog that serves as a different way to communicate with employees.

July 7, 2006

1 Min Read
Lots to Talk About in Device Industry

So far it mostly has employment/recruiting announcements, but case studies and other essays sometimes appear too.Reimbursement expert Ted Mannen, a member at DC law firm Epstein, Becker & Green, has a personal blog with essays on reimbursement issues. Mannen, who also serves on MD&DI's Editorial Advisory Board, doesn't post often, but when he does, it's meaty and thoughtful.And then there's a man who bills himself as The Healthcare IT Guy and blogs about, yep, Healthcare IT, including device technology issues.Devices are also covered at times in more general healthcare blogs such as The Medical Marketing Blog, the Schwitzer Health News Blog, and the Science Blog.Keep talking!

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