EXCMR's $2.8 Million Moves It Closer to Product Launch
EXCMR Ltd., an early-stage company based in Columbus, Ohio, is receiving $2.8 million in grants to help accelerate further development of its hydraulic treadmill. The Ohio Third Frontier Medical Imaging Program awarded the company $1.4 million for its project, called the In-State Multicenter Evaluation of Treadmill Exercise Stress Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.
July 19, 2010
Collaborative cost share partners are matching the funding, along with supporting clinical testing and improving the technology for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging under stress conditions. EXCMR's technology is a nonferromagnetic treadmill combined with a cardiac data collection system that is located right next to the treadmill. To create the treadmill, EXCMR removed the electric motor and steel parts that interfere with MRI. It allows patients to be evaluated immediately after exercising. Other methods of stress cardiac testing place a treadmill in one location and the data collection system in another (down the hall, for example), which means the system cannot collect immediate results. The company is also working with leaders in cardiovascular imaging and research to collect clinical data and use the information to expand clinical applications of the technology.
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