Capitol Hill Briefing Highlights Value of Healthcare InvestmentCapitol Hill Briefing Highlights Value of Healthcare Investment
March 1, 2004
Originally Published MX March/April 2004
Bryan Luce |
FDA commissioner Mark B. McClellan and members of Congress gathered in mid-February to discuss new research that quantifies the value of investment in the U.S. healthcare system. A recent study released by a coalition of healthcare organizations asserts that investments in healthcare technology and services produce benefits that are worth up to three times their cost.
The report, titled The Value of Investment in Health Care: Better Care, Better Lives, claims that the improved health of the U.S. population over the past two decades is worth its accompanied increased spending. Among its findings, the study cites that since 1980, annual death rates declined 16%, disability rates for seniors declined 25%, and the number of days people spent in the hospital declined 56%.
"This unprecedented study provides strong evidence that the value generated by investments in healthcare greatly outweighs the costs," said Bryan Luce, international chairman of Medtap International Inc. (Bethesda, MD) and director of the study.
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