Applications Group Formed to Assist Customers with Molding Machinery
May 13, 2004
Originally Published MPMNMay 2004
Applications Group Formed to Assist Customers with Molding Machinery
A manufacturer of injection molding machinery formed an Applications Group to help customers understand its process and technology. Formed lastOctober by Demag Plastics Group (Strongsville, OH;,the team holds open houses and seminars for customers. A variety of services are also offered to provide design assistance and support specific to the needs of customers.
The group studies and provides cycle time guarantees and offers technical sales support. The design of turnkey solutions include auxiliaries, robotics,automation, and project management. Mold and
machine trials are performed at the company's three technical centers in California, Texas,
and Massachusetts.
"Molders are making more and more sophisticated products," says Bob Lewis, head of the Applications Group. "Because more is expected of them, they are looking for suppliers who offer value-added services. Rather than tie up their own resources to design,coordinate, and manage projects, molders are now partnering with suppliers to handle those services."
The group's first open house featured a demonstration of high-speed packaging on its EL EXISmachine. The company cohosted a separate event and focused on in-mold textile lamination.
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