Filters Supplier Opens OEM Hotline
October 7, 2004
Originally Published MPMN October 2004
Filters Supplier Opens OEM Hotline
Part of its engineering-support initiatives, Millipore has launched a hotline to help device OEMs that integrate membranes into their products (click to enlarge). |
Are you encountering problems integrating a membrane into a medical device? Now, help is just a phone call away. Filters supplier
Millipore (Billerica, MA; OEM) has introduced a global OEM Membrane Hotline to support medical device designers and engineers. They can access the company's team of membrane experts by phoning 978/762-5229.
Engineers and application scientists are standing by to answer questions related to filtration, membrane sealing, and related materials and sterilization issues. The hotline staff is qualified to assist with manufacturing issues involving devices and diagnostic products and can provide troubleshooting assistance.
The hotline is one of the services developed by Millipore to provide customers with OEM engineering support during product development. Other services include striping labs, SEM analysis, and protocol review.
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