The Landscape of Tort ManiaThe Landscape of Tort Mania
March 1, 2003
Originally Published MX March/April 2003
Product liability hot spots have a geographic as well as technological dimension. The American Tort Reform Association cites the following areas as "tort hellholes."
Alameda County, CA (including Oakland, Berkeley).
Los Angeles County, CA (particularly the Civil Central West Division).
San Francisco County, CA.
Madison County, IL (across the river from St. Louis, MO).
Orleans Parish, LA (New Orleans).
Mississippi's 22nd Judicial District (the Gulf Coast).
St. Louis, MO.
Hidalgo County, TX (southern Rio Grande Valley).
Jefferson County, TX (including Beaumont, Port Arthur).
Nueces County, TX (including Corpus Christi).
Starr County, TX (southern Rio Grande Valley).
Regardless of where a company's manufacturing facility is located, medical products in the stream of commerce may provoke claims elsewhere than their birthplace. If a claim arises in one of the 11 areas listed, the defendant should weigh the jury risk and proceed with caution.
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